API ・・・ Application Programming Interface
BPR ・・・ Business Process Re-engineering
CA ・・・ Certification Authority
CAD ・・・ Computer Aided Design
CAI ・・・ Computer Aided Instruction
CALS ・・・ Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support⇒Commerce At Light Speed
CAM ・・・ Computer Aided Manufacturing
CD ・・・ Compact Disc
CDMA ・・・ Code Division Multiple Access
CD-R ・・・ Compact Disc Recordable
CD-ROM ・・・ Compact Disc Read Only Memory
CEO ・・・ Chief Executive Officer
CG ・・・ Computer Graphics
CGI ・・・ Common Gateway Interface
CIM ・・・ Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIO ・・・ Chief Information Officer
CMMI ・・・ Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMY ・・・ Cyan,Magenta,Yellow
COO ・・・ Chief Operating Officer
CPU ・・・ Central Processing Unit
CRT ・・・ Cathode Ray Tube
CSF ・・・ Critical Success Factors
CSMA/CD ・・・ Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CSO ・・・ Chief Security Officer
CTI ・・・ Computer Telephony Integration
DFD ・・・ Data Flow Diagram
DHCP ・・・ Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS ・・・ Domain Name System
DRAM ・・・ Dynamic Random Access Memory
DVD-R ・・・ Digital Versatile Disk Recordable
DVD-RAM ・・・ Digital Versatile Disk Random Access Memory
EBCDIC ・・・ Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EC ・・・ Electronic Commerce
ECR ・・・ Efficient Consumer Response
EDI ・・・ Electronic Data Interchange
EOS ・・・ Electronic Ordering System
ERP ・・・ Enterprise Resource Planning
E-R図 ・・・ Entity-Relationship Diagram
EUC ・・・ End User Computing ***Extended Unix Code
EUD ・・・ End User Developing
FDMA ・・・ Frequency Division Multiple Access
FTP ・・・ File Transfer Protocol
GIF ・・・ Graphic Interchange Format
GPS ・・・ Global Positioning System
GUI ・・・ Graphical User Interface
GZIP ・・・ Gnu ZIP
HTML ・・・ HyperText Markup Language
HTTP ・・・ HyperText Transfer Protocol
IDP ・・・ Intrusion Detection and Prevention *** Internet Datagram Protocol
IDS ・・・ Intrusion Detection System
IEEE ・・・ the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, inc
IMAP ・・・ Internet Message Access Protocol
IP ・・・ Internet Protocol
IPS ・・・ Intrusion Prevention System ** Intrusion Protection System
IPsec ・・・ Security architecture for Internet Protocol
IrDA ・・・ Infrared Data Association
ISMS ・・・ Information Security Management System
ISP ・・・ Internet Service Provider
ITIL ・・・ Information Technology Infrastructure Library
JPEG ・・・ Joint Photographic Experts Group
MIDI ・・・ Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIME ・・・ Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MMR ・・・ Modified Modified Read
MP3 ・・・ MPEG Audio Layer-3
MPEG ・・・ Moving Picture Experts Group
MPU ・・・ Micro Processing Unit
MRP ・・・ Material Requirements Planning
MTTR ・・・ Mean Time To Recovery (Mean Time To Repair)
NAT ・・・ Network Address Translation
OS ・・・ Operating System
OSI ・・・ Open Systems Interconnection
OSS ・・・ Open Source Software
PBX ・・・ Private Branch eXchange
PCMCIA ・・・ Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PDA ・・・ Personal Data(Digital) Assistance
PDF ・・・ Portable Document Format
PDPC ・・・ Process Decision Program Chart
PIN ・・・ Personal Identification Number
PNG ・・・ Portable Network Graphics
POP ・・・ Post Office Protocol
POS ・・・ Point Of Sales system
PPM ・・・ Products Portfolio Managemet
PPP ・・・ Point-to-Point Protocol
RAM ・・・ Random Access Memory
RFID ・・・ Radio Frequency IDentification
RFP ・・・ Request For Proposal
RGB ・・・ Red Green Blue
ROM ・・・ Read Only Memory
RSS ・・・ Retail Support System
S/MIME ・・・ Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SaaS ・・・ Software as a Service
SDMI ・・・ Secure Digital Music Initiative
SDチャート ・・・ Semantic Differential Chart
SET ・・・ Secure Electronic Transaction
SIP ・・・ Session Initiation Protocol
SLA ・・・ Service Level Agreement
SMTP ・・・ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMPマネージャ ・・・ Simple Network Management Protocol
SPC ・・・ Service Profit Chain
SRAM ・・・ Static Random Access Memory
SSL ・・・ Secure Sockets Layer
TCO ・・・ Total Cost of Ownership
TCP ・・・ Transmission Control Protocol
TFT ・・・ Thin Film Transistor
TIFF ・・・ Tagged Image File Format
TQC ・・・ Total Quality Control
UPS ・・・ Uninterruptible Power Supply
URL ・・・ Uniform Resource Locator
USB ・・・ Universal Serial Bus
VAN ・・・ Value Added Network
VR ・・・ Virtual Reality
WAN ・・・ Wide Area Network
WBS ・・・ Work Breakdown Structure
WEP ・・・ Wired Equivalent Privacy
WWW ・・・ World Wide Web
XML ・・・ eXtensible Markup Language